Mission and Ministry
Mission Statement
Christ Church in the Episcopal Diocese of Southern Virginia is a congregation of faithful members, dedicated to proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ through corporate worship, Christian fellowship, and spiritual growth. With God’s omnipotent power, Christ Episcopal Church strives to share the good news.
These are some of the ministries members of Christ Church are engaged in:
- Children’s Sunday School— A group of dedicated teachers offers Sunday School to our children each Sunday morning.
- Music— Our choir and excellent organist provide music during services, sometimes as a group and sometimes as soloists.
- Eucharistic Ministers— Eucharistic ministers take communion to shut-ins.
- Lectors— Lectors read the Old and New Testament lessons for each week.
- Chalicers— Chalice bearers process and recess with the priest and acolytes. The chalicer assists during the celebration of the Eucharist and administers the cup of wine to the communicants.
- Acolytes— Acolytes assist in the worship service through carrying the Cross, holding the Gospel for the priest to read from, lighting the candles, and more.
- Altar Guild— The Altar Guild prepares all the things necessary for the celebration of the Eucharist or any of the other sacraments and offices of the church.
- Ushers— The ushers have the important duty of welcoming everyone into the sanctuary.
- Prayer Shawl— Members of the church knit prayer shawls, lap robes, and pocket prayer cloths for the comfort and thanksgiving of others.
- Outreach— Members of the church provide to a number of people and groups in the area.